Welcome to Royalty Rewards

Earn reward points on every purchase. Redeem for discounts on future purchases.

How it works


Sign up or log in to start earning straight away.


Automatically collect points with every purchase.


Redeem your points for discount codes.

Earn points for every order placed

The more you spend, the more you save. Plus, earn discounts by referring your favorite soap and skincare company (us) to your friends! You can earn points through purchases in our store fronts and through online orders.

Redeem points for rewards

Redeem points on your next purchase, or save them up for higher value rewards. Points are redeemable for any order; in-store, online, or at a market or event. Anywhere you find us, you'll be treated like Royalty.


Your rewards are tied to your email address and phone number. Simply create an account on our website using that same email and you should be able to see your rewards and earn points for online purchases! Your reward balance can be found by clicking the blue "Royalties" button on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.

If you think there is an error please contact us at hello@mountroyalsoaps.com or use the chat function in the bottom left-hand corner of the page!